Work ethics, Social and Behavioural Issues, MS-21

Discuss the significance of work ethics in an organization. Recall the situations in which you have faced ethical dilemma in taking decisions in your work place or a working place you are familiar with and describe how you resolved these dilemmas. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

A Code of Ethics forms the heart of an organisational ethics management programme, yet many Codes are ineffectual due to content and design problems, as well as inadequate presentation styles and techniques. Subsequently, a need arose in the market for a quality assurance process, an independent benchmark, allowing organisations to develop and implement world class Codes of Ethics. Structured around clear and objective standards, EthicSA has extensive experience in assisting organisations in the development of Codes of Ethics to comply with international best practises. The following list describes various types of benefits from managing ethics in the workplace.

• Attention to business ethics has substantially improved society
• Ethics programs help maintain a moral course in turbulent times
• Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork and productivity
• Ethics programs support employee growth and meaning
• Ethics programs are an insurance policy -- they help ensure that policies are legal
• Ethics programs help avoid criminal acts 'of omission' and can lower fines
• Ethics- programs help manage values associated with quality management, strategic planning and diversity management — this benefit needs far more attention
• Ethics programs promote a strong public image
• Overall benefits of ethics programs
• Last - and most — formal attention to ethics in the workplace is the right thing to do
Developing an effective Code of Ethics is vital to the success of a Total Ethics Management Programme (TEMP). A successful Code of Ethics should comprise a well-worded aspirational document setting out your organisation's values, and a clear and concise compliance document containing relevant national legislation, industry regulation and organisational policies Reasons To Develop A Total Ethics Management Programme (TEMP)
• A TEMP can decrease violations of organisational policies.
• A TEMP can substantially minimise potential legal liabilities such as loss of licenses and permits, antitrust fines, and disbarment from state and provincial vendor lists.
• A TEMP is an excellent supplement to investor relation management.
• A TEMP can build, maintain and safeguard organisational reputation in a manner marketing cannot do.
• A TEMP can lower operating costs by reducing employee/member turnover and lowering maintenance costs due to careless actions, thereby helping to maintain customer satisfaction and trust.
• TEMPs have been found to improve employee/member morale loyalty and productivity.
• A TEMP helps leadership communicate their values to employees/members as well as the public.
• An organisation with a TEMP can gain a competitive advantage by being known as trustworthy and ethical.
• A TEMP increases the perception that the organisation is proactive toward resolving issues and making value-based decisions—thereby reducing the possibility of state oversight.
• A TEMP gives an organisation/industry a change to fight back against negative press.
• A TEMP is a medium to long-term investment. Examining the issue of ethics now can prevent costly difficulties in the future.
Other benefits include:
• Increased employee pride in and loyalty to the company;
• Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty;
• Increased community goodwill;
• Increased employee/member/worker productivity;
• Improved product or service quality;
• Less misconduct;
• Legal protection for the company; and
• And the list goes on!