Human Resource Planning, MS-23

Explain the concept and process of human resource planning (HRP). Describe the practices of HRP of your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Educational planning essentially aims at improving the quality of manpower resources in the country. The benefits to the economy from educational planning are thus in directed and intangible. Planning in other sectors of the economy have tangible benefits and hence contribute directly to the growth of the economy. It is this aspect of the education sector which has led to a bias against the education sector in macro economic planning exercises among many developing nations.

The practices in planning indicate that other sectors of the economy covertly and overtly claim higher priority in the thinking of planners. Also, it is in the nature of projects in other sectors of the economy that once they are started they will have to be completed so as to be of any use to the economy. Projects in education sector on the other hand can either be postponed or left incomplete. For example, and incomplete irrigation dam cannot be of any use to the economy; while school buildings without roof, without a black board, or without teacher in some cases can be put to use by the society through improvisation. As a result, education seems to have residual claim to the plan resources. The interaction between technical inputs to educational planning - based on well thought out dictate of planning - and the political process of planning often results in the statement of monetary resources available to education sector as a whole which need to be allocated to different sub-sectors of education. Added to this, lack of effective monetary device in education - resulting again form the inadequacy of financial resources to education - often causes divergence in the implementation of monetary plans for education from the physical plan for education. In the process it may even result in the distortion of physical priorities within the education sector.

Decision making with regard to education sector development, in practice, has been such that the essence of the ritual of educational planning is honoured more in its branch than in its observance. Yet, many developing countries go through these rituals at definite intervals.

In view of the qualitative aspects which predominate educational planning decision, it appears that comprehension of quality as a variable and its manoeurability is better facilitated at mocro-level. There is this a case for decentralized planning with regard to education sector.

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