Change Agent, Task to perform as Change Agent, Managing Change in Organisations, MS-25

List out the skills required for the role of a change agent. Describe yourself as a change agent and the tasks you perform as a change agent in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Change is not single event, it takes time to plan for change for change, try new practices and incorporate new programs effectively. Change is a process, which progress ones a period of time. Whilst change itself always carries with it improbability, the process of change should be managed by an effective plan, unambiguous rules, processes, protocol and system. Educational researchers have defined change agent for organisartions and individuals as :

(i) Change can enegize, act as a catalyst.
(ii) Build a sense of community.
(iii) Process of change may not be embraced by all.
(iv) Conflicts are a natural part of the change process.
(v) Involvement in the change process is individualistic and ultimately the responsibility of
each person with in the organisation, (vi) When individuals have clearly defined goals and expectations along with an understanding that the change can be effective, success and more acceptance of the
change process can occur.

Reasons for the change agent:
(i) Technological Advanchement the new technologies basically CRM, e-business and knowledge management technology is now considered as a strategic tools, an automation tool in the past. This necessitates upgrading of the existing skill sets of employees change as well. The advancement in the information technology requires organisations to.

(ii) Be able to develop an IT strategy that fully supports and enables the business strategy to develop and grow.

(iii) Listen to business needs and traslate them into technology requirements.

(iv) Make the common database availabel to all in customer service management.

(v) Use easy access to a knowledge management approach and technology to turn individual knowledge into comnpany wide knowledge speedily and effectively.

Following are ones about what three was most agreement.
• Regards organisations as open socio technical systems that must constantly adapt in an integrated way in order to improve cutomer service.
• Adopt a process-oriented process view of how the business operates.
• Unlearn part habits of thinking and adopt new ways.
• Encourage greates team working in which each members has multiple skills.

The process to manage the change :
Implementation of the above processes bring large scale organisational changes which must be managed properly employees must strive to appraise the situation so as to identity major barriers and evolve strategies to deal with the new situation. Implementing the change process is as immense as the challenge of creating innovative business process solutions but change brings destruction as wel. Incorporation of both these hard and soft skills will help to win widespread support for process changes and methodologies to execute the solution effectively.

As a change agent in my organisation or an organisation I am referring to. (i) Sensitivity Training : Sensitivity Training refers toi a method of changing behaviour through unstructured group interface T-groups aim at the following :
• Understanding one's own behaviour and how one's behaviour affets others
• Understanding why people behave the way they do.
• Encouraging ont to try out new ways of interacting with people and receiving
• Understanding group processes.
• Developing tolerance for other people's behaviour.

(ii) The formal group Diagnostic Meeting: The formal group diagnostic meeting allows a group to be its own in order to identify its strengths and problem areas. It accourages every group member to contribute and generate ideas. The data collected during the meeting serves the foundation for future actions.

(iii) Team Building Activities : A team is a group of individuals who tend to work interdependently to satisfy organisational as well as their own individual objectives teams as different from other gorups by
(1) Participative leadership.
(2) Shared responsibility.
(3) Aligned on purpose.
(4) High communication
(5) Future Focussed
(6) Task Focussed
(7) Creative Talents
(8) Rapid response

In my organisation I have to assess the team empowerment. Think of a team that have been member of in a work setting. Respond to each statement beelow by indicating the degree to which agree or diagree with it in terms of the team.
(i) Potency items
(ii) Meaningfulness items
(iii) Autonomy items,
(iv) impact items.

Techniques and exercise used in team building :
(i) Role Analysis Technique (RAT)
(ii) Role Negotiation Technique.
(iii) Interdependency Exercise.
(iv) Appreciative Inquiry
(v) Responsibility charting
(vi) Visioning.
(vii) Perocess consultation : Feedback to groups during process analysis or regular work time, feedback to individuals after meetings or after data gathering,
(viii) Coaching or counselling of individuals,
(ix) Rertaining to group membership,
(x) Communication or interaction Patterns,
(xi) Agenda review and testing procedures,
(xii) Meeting devoted to interpersonal processand allocation at work.